Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving to Underhill Families

Today the entire first grade family enjoyed a feast of homemade corn bread muffins and butter. The students did all the work preparing the feast on Monday afternoon and reaped the benefits today! Yum! Just like the pilgrims and the indians, all the first grade children came together as one and shared stories of what they were thankful for while enjoying the feast.

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) Activity

This week we completed our second STEM activity. This activity included using 20 toothpicks and 10 gum drops to build a 3-D structure that could withstand the weight of a book. We discussed what things good problem solvers do when approaching a task. We developed an anchor chart that listed the attributes of good problem solvers. We decided that they complete research, they make hypothesis, and they experiment through a process of trial and error. Here are some pictures that capture the essence of the experience.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Fall Festival and November Happenings

Thank you to all Underhill families that donated Smartfood and Apple Juice for our fall festival snack! The day was full of fun and surprises. The children in Mrs. Salcito's class and Mrs. Newcomb's class enjoyed a visit from two witches who shared their recipe for witch's brew and gave them a live cooking class.


Today we began Chapter 3 in Imagine It! This unit is about responsibility. We will learn what it means to be responsible. We will also learn what it looks like to be responsible. Lastly, we will talk about people in our world that are responsible and why we think they are responsible.

We will be covering a brief unit in Social Studies on government, voting, and United States symbols.
Government: Students will learn how and why laws are made. They will also learn who makes the laws and how they are enforced.
Voting: Students will get a chance to complete a voter registration card, cast a ballot, create a candidate poster, count ballots, etc.
United States of America Symbols: Students will learn the significance of the American flag, the bald eagle, and the statue of liberty.

In Math we will be working on shapes. We will be learning the names and attributes of many shapes. We will be manipulating and building with shapes. We will be looking at 3 dimensional shapes.

In writing we will be working on creating a main idea for a piece of writing. Once we have determined a main idea we will be learning how to extend our writing with supporting details. Overall, we will be learning how to write a cohesive paragraph of more than two sentences.