Dear Parents and Families,
As Valentine's Day is just around the corner, now is a good time to remind our students to display acts of kindness in school. In order to reinforce kindness, caring, and considerate actions, we'd like you to participate in a special at home Valentine's Day project.
Attached you will find a list of all the students in your child's class.
Please help your child write a special comment or compliment about each classmate. Please try to use appropriate capitalization and punctuation as well as descriptive and creative words. Help your child to come up with unique and thoughtful comments that will make their classmates feel extra special!
Here are some examples:
-Katie is a kind friend because she played soccer with me at recess.
-Dave is fun to sit with at lunch because he is funny.
Comments may be typed or written by hand. Once complete, cut the compliments apart, place them in a baggy labeled with your child's name, and send them into school. Try to write 2-3 comments a night . ln order to complete our project at school, please return
your comments no later than Wednesday, February 1Oth. When we celebrate Valentine's Day on Friday, February 12th, the children will decorate a giant heart and glue on their kind comments from their
ln order to support this project, we are asking families to donate Valentine themed stickers, glitter glue, paper doilies, and other decorative items. Due to food allergies, we ask that you please refrain from sending in food or candy.
Thank you for your help and support at home!
Happy Valentine's Day!